The MacDonalds of Chamberbane

Monument to the McDonalds of Chamberbane Sacred
to the memory of
Christina Stewart
wife of
Donald MacDonald
who died at Chamberbane
13th June 1868
aged 68 years
Also the above
Donald MacDonald
who died at Chamberbane
23rd May 1874
aged 74 years
And their son William
who died at Frennich 23rd March 1891
aged 54 years
Also their daughter Janet
who died at Foss 24th April 1921
aged 90 years
and their son Donald
who died at Foss 25th February 1922
aged 81 years
Also in loving remembrance of
Peter MacDonald died in Edinburgh
20th November 1894 aged 50
interred in Dean Cemetery Edinburgh
and Alexander MacDonald died in Lockerbie
14th February 1914 aged 66
interred in Grange Cemetery Edinburgh
both sons of the above Donald MacDonald and Christina Stewart


Chamberbane births in "Stewarts of Blair Athol" Map of Borenich Homesteads Return to Stones and Monuments Return to Main Page